You are amazing, interesting and one of kind. There is not
another person on this planet just like you. Sometimes all
you need is to believe in yourself and there is nothing you
can't do. Sometimes you need someone else to believe, well,
I believe in you. Know that there is someone in this world
that knows you are outstanding. You need someone to cheer
you on? I'm cheering! You can do anything and be whoever you
chose, it's up to you and I have faith in you. Now go show the
world how great you are!
Your Biggest Fan.....

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Be Great!

There are alot of inspirational videos I have found. They are awesome. I was raised by my father, with two brothers. I guess thats why these kind of
vidoes hit home for me. I also raised a son & daughter who were  athletic and I love football and boxing because I grew up watching sports with my dad and brothers, and watched my brothers play football, as well as llistening to my dads football stories from high school and college ball. I still watch football every week with my son during football season. He just left for marine boot camp right after the super bowl, and I don't know where he will be next football season. I let others listen to my videos, women, they don't seem to get the same feelings from them that my son and I get out of it. My heart beats faster and I feel inspired. Maybe thats the football player (that I was raised to be, but never got to be)coming out in me. It might have something to do also with the fact that I grew up in Texas and we look at football as a religion more than a sport. Well, I hope that you get from these vidoes what I have...
This is mine and my sons' favorite one, I watch it everyday.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Laugh more today...

I have always been a reader, but lately, well for over a year now I have
been reading every day. My son gave me a reader for mothers' day last
year and that was it. Then last year I received the kindle, well, it reads
to me so I can multitask. I read and do laundry, waiting in lines, you get
the idea. There are so many funny books out there, you should see the
looks I get when I start laughing to myself. They say that laughing is
really good for you, I believe that. Think about the last time that you
laughed until you cried or went outside on a clear night to look at the
stars. You really should do things that you haven't done in a long time.
Give yourself a break from the crazy day and just do something today
because, as I have seen through experience, it may be the last time
you do a certain thing in your life and you don't want that day to
pass you by. You think to yourself, another time, and then guess what,
your ten years older and wham! Little things you love to do, that you
just haven't made time for, can make you breathe a little deeper,
walk a little straighter, and smile a little more. These little moments,
added together, my friend, are your life, live a little today, tomorrow
is just around the corner. My father told me that I was the one that
made my life the way it was,my choices, and no one could change it for better or worse, that was all me. It is all you, be the leader in your life,
make your life better, you can do it. Be a leader, not a follower. In
your own life anyway.

 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene

Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation. You cannot control what happens to you in life, but you can always control what you will feel and do about what happens to you.

Put your future in good hands. Your own.
Mark Victor Hansen

You always do what you want to do. This is true of every act.
You may say that you had to do something, that you were 
forced to, but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice.
Only you have the power to chose for yourself.
W. Clement Stone

Just a few quotes to show that I have a clue. It's the new year, make
it better. Make some memories that you cherish. Spend more time
with the funny, happier people and it may rub off.